Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Time Thoughts

Spring Morning:
Haiku in Three Verses

Birdsong greets my day;
many differing voices
reflecting their joy.

Robins sound the note.
Mockingbirds add harmony.
Crows are always bass.

Doves coo the alto,
A woodpecker adds rhythm,
All sounding gladness!

Springtime arrived unannounced this week.  Temperatures, lately mired in the chill of February, have suddenly become more typical of late May.  Trees, bare and naked a week ago, are now clothed in pink, yellow, and white blossoms.  Birdsong has returned to early morning, and yellow dandelions to my lawn.

You would think that after more than sixty-six years I would have learned to expect the annual change and that springtime would somehow become routine and familiar.  I am pleased to report it has not.  To me, each spring and each spring day is entirely new and full of promise.  More than any other time of the year, in the early spring I find myself greeting each morning with heightened expectation. 

What new thing will I discover today? What sights? What sounds? What smells? What touches? What tastes?

What new wonder will I discover? What old wonder will I become reacquainted with? 

All are welcome.

Spring is about newness of life and newness of spirit.  I am renewed with each spring morning.

How will you make your life new this spring?

How will you renew your spirit? 

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