Sunday, August 13, 2017

Since When is it Right?

I am shocked, apalled, and hurt by yesterday's act of domestic terrorism in Charlottesville, VA where a man deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people whose only crime was to disagee with his ideas. That such an act is conceivable saddens me. That someone would not only conceive but also plan and carry out such act for any reason makes me sick.

Since when did it become acceptable to commit senseless violence?

Since when did it become acceptable to maim and kill and destroy people whose only offense is to disagree with you?

Since when did it become acceptable to do evil?

Since when did it become acceptable to do the wrong thing, no matter how righteous the cause? It is never right. NEVER. Never. A thousand times never. Not one of us. Not ever.

It is never right to do the wrong thing.

Disagree if you will. That is your right.

Assemble and protest if you must. That is also your right.

But it is better to strive for understanding rather than dominance, to live and let live, think and let think.

Do what is good and right. That is your responsibility.

You have no right to do otherwise.

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